Bits&Volts - A blog for everyone

There are already tons of good resources available. So, you are probably wondering why we are starting another blog. Back when we were fresh students, we always felt that the barrier to enter the field of electronics is way higher than it should’ve been. Even at university, we learned deep and complex theory, while simple and practical aspects were rarely explained. So many times we did things wrong or inefficiently while a voice in our head asked: “Why didn’t anyone tell us?”. It can be hard to get going with electronics since you do not know the right place to start. How can you distinguish between a good and a bad resource? Often we come across resources that either do only cover a small piece of the whole pie or skip important details, making it too hard to follow.

We created Bits&Volts to explain exciting topics in detail from the very beginning so that everyone can follow. For more advanced topics, we try to supplement required prior knowledge with references to other posts or external resources. Whether you are an absolute beginner, an enthusiastic hobbyist, a passionate student, or even an experienced engineer, our blog is for everyone.

To begin with, we introduce two categories: Getting Started and Digital Design. In the former, we will share the knowledge that is useful to enter the fields of electronics and computer engineering as well as fundamentals for other blog categories. The latter is about digital design where we will explain the fundamentals of building digital circuits. We will start with the basics such as transistors and logic gates, then move up towards higher-level concepts, like processors.

In the future, we might add more categories, but for now, we will start with the upper two. So, let’s see where it takes us!

Who we are

We are Bjoern and Kirthihan, two enthusiastic computer engineers with a passion for embedded systems, digital design and efficient software programming. Our journey started with studying Electrical Engineering at RWTH Aachen University in Germany. At the Institute for Communication Technologies and Embedded Systems, we worked as student assistants, where we contributed to different projects in the fields of hardware accelerators for machine learning, FPGA design, processor prototyping and embedded software. Nowadays, Bjoern works as software engineer in the area of Electronic Design Automation (EDA). Kirthihan works as a software engineer in the field of System Simulation.

How you can reach us

If you want to get in touch with us, there are several ways to do so. First of all, you can comment below any of our posts. We highly appreciate any constructive feedback, especially in the early stages of our blog. You can also reach us via email at

Make sure to follow us on Twitter where we share any news and updates regarding our blog.

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