Long time no see! We are finally back diving into the topic of programming languages. Before we bring our hands to a first language, we want to talk about programming languages in general. What are they, and why do we need them? Why are there so many of them? What concepts do they share?

Why do we need programming languages?

To answer this question, we need to talk about how a computer works. Don’t worry! The hardcore stuff will be explained in our category Digital Design. Here, we just need some basic understanding. Let’s start with a very fundamental question: What is a program? A program is essentially a sequence of instructions that tells the computer what to do. Instructions can be very simple like an addition, but they also can be rather complex by doing multiple things at the same time. Before we provide a simple example, we have to clarify the term register. In our first post, we already talked about different memory types to store data: RAM, HDD, and SDD. Registers are another way to store data and are part of the processor. A register basically stores a single number. Registers are the fastest memory type out there, but they are the most expensive ones at the same time. This is why most processors have only a few of them.

Let’s imagine we have a processor with two registers (r1, r2) and two supported instructions. One to load numbers into a register (called mv, for “move”) and another one to add the values stored in two registers (add). Now, we can combine these instructions to create our first program:

mv r1, 1
mv r2, 2
add r1, r2

The above is an example of a so-called Assembly program. The assembly language is a programming language that consists of instructions that the processor can directly execute. In our example, we first load the values 1 and 2 into registers r1 and r2. If we assume that the result of our addition is stored in the first register, r1 will contain the value 3 at the end of our program. Cool, isn’t it? But to be honest, we skipped one step. As you might know, a computer only understand 0’s and 1’s. Instructions like mv or add are already a human-readable form. Before you can run it, a program called Assembler has to convert it to machine code (= 1’s and 0’s representation of the instructions). Let’s assume that mv is converted to 1010, r1 is converted to 0010, and 1 is converted to 0001. Then, our first instruction could look like this: 101000100001. This is what a CPU can understand. Now, imagine a file full of 0’s and 1’s. Do you think anyone can directly understand what the program does? No! It would be a nightmare. That’s the first reason why we need programming languages: Readability.

Let’s think a bit further. Imagine that you spent hours writing your program and then you want to use it on a different processor. But what if on that new processor, the instructions and registers are different? This means that you have to rewrite your code which is a lot of work! Trust us when we tell you that this is not feasible in most cases. What you want to have is a programming language that is independent of the underlying hardware. So-called high-level programming languages like C or Python were invented for this purpose. Consequently, our second reason to use programming languages is Compatability. So, we write code in one of these higher-level programming languages, and there are tools (that we will cover in the next section) that convert it into runnable machine code for most processors.

Lastly, each programming language is developed to optimize a specific use case. So, depending on what you want to do, you’ll choose a different language. A graphical application, for example, would require a language with graphical elements, while some scientific calculator apps would require mathematical functions. But don’t think that this is an easy choice. Discussions about which language fits best can almost be religious. In the following section, we want to present two general types of languages.

Interpreted vs compiled languages

There exist hundreds of programming languages. But they all can be divided into two groups: interpreted and compiled languages. When you followed our previous posts, then you already used an interpreter: your Linux shell. An interpreter is a program itself that translates and executes commands given to it one by one. So, a command such as ls is converted into 0’s and 1’s and then executed by the CPU. In contrast, compiled languages are compiled (=converted) into machine code (0’s and 1’s) once (usually) by the developer. This has to be done once per supported machine to adapt to different underlying hardware features, such as a different number of registers. Because they are executed on the machine directly, compiled languages are usually way faster than their interpreted counterparts. This will be enforced by several optimization steps of the compiler. We will talk about this in a later post. Interpreted languages, however, are more flexible. For example, in some interpreted languages, you can change the program while it is running. Also, it is usually faster to code in interpreted languages.

Over time, people tried to merge the advantages of both kinds, which resulted in many hybrid versions. Interpreters can call compiled programs and there are things like a just-in-time compilation. But do not worry about that now. We will come back to it at a later point.

Congratulations! This was your first step into programming languages. Let’s summarize …


At the end of this post, you should be convinced that we need programming languages for the following reasons:

  • Readability: Nobody can read 0’s and 1’s. We need a human-readable form
  • Compatibility: We want a program to run on several machines
  • Optimization: Programming languages can simplify specific tasks. Compilers can further optimize the program written by the developer

Furthermore, you should know the difference between the following types of programming languages:

  • Interpreted languages: Translated to machine code and executed just in time.
  • Compiled languages: Previously compiled machine code is run by the user
  • There exist hybrid approaches combining the advantages of both

In our next post, we will talk about common programming concepts. Hope to see you soon and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter!

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